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At Red Hat, we value customer feedback in helping us understand how we’re doing as we fuel innovation across the open hybrid cloud. This is why we began working with TrustRadius, a leading technology decisioning platform that helps buyers more confidently make decisions with comprehensive, vetted product information and customer-generated content. TrustRadius holds an annual Best Of Awards to recognize technology vendors that exhibit exceptional strengths across feature sets, customer relationships and value.

We’re pleased to announce that Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform, Red Hat OpenShift and Red Hat Enterprise Linux have each been named a Best Of product across these three categories!

According to Megan Headley, vice president, Research, TrustRadius:

“Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform, and Red Hat OpenShift have all earned top honors in their respective categories. These accolades are based entirely on feedback from customers who praise the feature sets, confirm that they live up to sales and marketing promises, and provide excellent value for the price. Red Hat's unwavering commitment to excellence makes it a standout choice in Operating Systems, Configuration Management, and Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS).”

You can read more from verified users on how much they value Red Hat here

But we don’t want to stop here - our commitment to our customers means that we want to keep evolving and answering your dynamic IT challenges. This means we want to keep hearing from you! . If you’re a Red Hat customer and want to share your own feedback, please leave a review here .

TrustRadius Award badges


Red Hat's Customer and Partner Experience team works to drive customer and partner success by collecting, analyzing and operationalizing feedback. The team works with all areas of Red Hat to drive enhancements based on the feedback we receive from users.

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